How long could a person survive if he had unlimited supply of water, but no food at all?Richard Lee Fulgham:
I happen to know the answer because I have studied starvation, its course, and its utility in committing a painless suicide. (No, I’m not suicidal.)
A healthy human being can live approximately 45 to 65 days without food of any kind, so long as he or she keeps hydrated.
You could survive without any severe symptoms [for] about 30 to 35 days, but after that you would probably experience skin rashes, diarrhea, and of course substantial weight loss.
The body—as you must know—begins eating itself, beginning with adipose tissue (i.e. fat) and next the muscle tissue.
Google Mahatma Gandhi, who starved himself almost to death during 14 voluntary hunger strikes to bring attention to India’s independence movement.
Strangely, there is much evidence that starvation is a painless way to die. In fact, you experience a wonderful euphoria when the body realizes it is about to die. Whether this is a divine gift or merely secretions of the brain is not known.
Of course, the picture is not so pretty for all reports. Some victims of starvation have experienced extreme irritability, unbearably itchy skin rashes, unceasing diarrhea, painful swallowing, and edema.
In most cases, death comes when the organs begin to shut down after six to nine weeks. Usually the heart simply stops.
(Here is a detailed medical report of the longest known fast: 382 days.)
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