Watch 6 Vintage Toy Commercials

Toys (and their advertisements) have come a long way.
Vintage Chatty Cathy toy doll TV Commercial 1960's
Vintage Chatty Cathy toy doll TV Commercial 1960's | VintageTVCommercials

Remember when Mr. Potato Head was just an actual, edible potato with stuff you’d stick into him? And “Captain Action” promised to be any superhero you could afford the clothes for? Here are some vintage commercials to bring back all your toy longings of yore.

  1. Mr. and Mrs. Potato Head
  2. Captain Action
  3. Chatty Cathy
  4. Lite Brite
  5. Super Elastic Bubble Plastic and Super Ball
  6. Captain Midnight and the Secret Squadron

Mr. and Mrs. Potato Head

Mr. Potato Head has the honor of being the first toy to ever have a TV commercial. It didn’t matter that the Potato Heads used to be literal potatoes. More than 1 million Potato Heads sold the year the commercial ran. Warning: if you’re young, the above ad may scare the heck out of you.

Captain Action

Captain Action hit the toy scene in 1966, complete with a snazzy catchphrase: “So super-powerful you can change him into nine of the mightiest superheroes of all time!” The toy could get a bit spendy for parents, though. Captain Action had several different outfits—and they were all sold separately.

Chatty Cathy

“Let’s play house.” But that isn’t all this doll could do. She also included a career outfit ... for nursing school, of course. Fortunately, women’s career options—and toy options—have progressed since the 1950s.

Lite Brite

These toys let a kid’s inner artist really shine. They just had to be careful not to spill and step on all those little plastic pegs.

Super Elastic Bubble Plastic and Super Ball

Sure, the above commercial makes it seem like kids are squeezing tubes of toothpaste onto their hands. But the viscous substance did let people create some pretty nifty bubbles. Super Balls—made by the same company, which is likely why they feature in the above commercial, too—also kept many a kid entertained.

Captain Midnight and the Secret Squadron

Want to be a member of the Secret Squadron? All you have to do channel your inner Ralphie and drink Ovaltine. Lots and lots of Ovaltine. Of the drink, Captain Midnight says: “It’s got what it takes for you to be a leader in your gang.” That must have seemed so innocent at the time.

Read More Stories About Toys Here:

A version of this story originally ran in 2013; it has been updated for 2024.