Chris Higgins
Joined: Nov 21, 2012
Chris Higgins is the author of The Blogger Abides and writes for This American Life, The Atlantic, Breakfast on Mars, and The Magazine. You can follow him at chrishiggins.com.

On This Day in 1978, the Blues Brothers Rocked SNL

Watch the Star Trek: Voyager Captain Janeway Who Almost Was

Watch Leonard Nimoy's Star Trek Memories
The Trouble with Star Trek Transporters
What if the transporter actually kills everybody it "beams up?"
Neural Network IDs Objects in the Star Trek: TNG Credits
Today's installment of "computers can be dumb."
How Do Star Trek Stardates Work?
"Captain's Log, stardate [totally bogus made-up number]." Highly illogical.
15 Enterprising Facts About George Takei
George Takei may be best known for his role as Mr. Sulu on ‘Star Trek.’ But there's far more to Takei than manning the helm of the USS ‘Enterprise.’
Watch Computer Pros Get Excited About Windows 98 in 1998
A decade before fans started lining up outside Apple stores for the release of each new iPhone model, computer users were eager to get their hands on Windows 98.
When Big Bird Sang “Bein’ Green” at Jim Henson’s Memorial Service
Before his death in 1990, Jim Henson gave very clear instructions about what his memorial service should look like: no attendees should wear black and a jazz band should be in attendance.
Watch 6 Vintage Toy Commercials
Remember when Mr. Potato Head was just an actual, edible potato with stuff you'd stick into him? And “Captain Action” promised to be any superhero you could afford the clothes for?
Watch 80 Minutes of Old Commercials From the ‘80s and ‘90s
These old commercials from the 1980s and '90s will have you "Sweatin' to the Oldies" with Richard Simmons and hanging out with Doublemint Twins.
Watch a Master Woodworker Make a Christmas Ornament
In this 11-minute video, woodworker Frank Howarth makes what he calls an “inside-out Christmas ornament,” complete with a mini-Christmas tree inside.
Watch How Snails Make Baby Snails
Snail mating involves “love darts.”
The Time Australia Accidentally Overran Itself With Toads
Humans have a long history of clever ideas that go horribly wrong.
On This Day in 1962, NASA Launched and Destroyed Mariner 1
A software error coupled with a radar failure led to the loss of NASA's first Venus probe.