If your bread wallet is empty, then you need to line the flue, knight the ribbons, and mosey to a beanery. Your cookie-pusher will know what you mean when you use these cowboy slang terms for food and drink items, collected from Legends of America’s Old West Slang Dictionary and Westopedia: The Language and Lore of Real America by Win Blevins.
1. Bear Sign
2. Overland Trout

3. Blue John
Skimmed milk.
4. Boggy-top
A pie with no top crust.
5. Cackleberries

6. Charlie Taylor
A butter substitute made of sorghum or syrup mixed with fat. It wasn’t good, and apparently neither was Charlie Taylor, who was terrible enough to lend his name to the unpopular trail staple.
7. Hen-fruit Stir and Long Sweetenin’
Pancakes and molasses.
8. and 9. Horse Thief Special and Spotted Pup
Both of these terms referred to rice or tapioca pudding with raisins.
9., 10, and 11. Hot Rock, Sinker, and Doughgods

All terms for biscuits.
12. Huckdummy
A biscuit with raisins, though, was called a “huckdummy.”
13. Love Apples
Canned tomatoes.
14. Music Roots
Sweet potatoes.
15. Mysteries
Sausage of any variety, so-called because that’s what they’re made of. (In the Victorian era, they were called “bags o’ mystery.”)
16. Bee-sweetenin’

17., 18, and 19. Pecos Strawberries, Mexican Strawberries, and Whistle Berries
All terms used to refer to beans.
20. Roastineer
To “roast an ear” of corn over the fire while still in its husk.
21. Salt Horse
Corned beef. Just a reminder, corned beef doesn’t contain corn—it refers to how the meat is prepared.
22. Saltwater Vegetables

Oysters or clams.
22. and 23. Sipper and Texas Butter
Nicknames for gravy.
24. Skunk Eggs
25. Son-of-a-Gun Stew
Stew made of whatever is available and the organs of a recently-slaughtered calf. So-called because the son-of-a-gun young cattle can't keep up on the trail. If there were no womenfolk present, you’d call it “son-of-a-bitch stew.”
26. Wasp Nest
27., 28., 29., 30., and 31. Six-shooter Skink, Float a Horseshoe, Arbuckle’s, Brown Gargle, and Jamoka

All of these rather colorful terms were cowboy words for coffee.
32., 33., and 34. Belly Wash, Soda Pop, and Black Water
If you were drinking really weak coffee, however, you’d use phrases like belly wash, soda pop, and black water to describe it.
35., 36., and 37. John Barleycorn, Purge, and Hop Juice

38., 39, and 40. Nose Paint, Pop Skull, and Prairie Dew
All other names for whiskey. So were the phrases rebel soldier, red eye, snake pizen, tarantula juice, tongue oil, tonsil pain, tornado juice, busthead, bottled courage, family disturbance, gut warmer, and Kansas sheep dip.
41. A Boilermaker and His Helper
A shot of whiskey with a beer chaser.
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