Adrienne Crezo
Joined: Nov 21, 2012
Adrienne Crezo is a writer and editor. She lives in Ohio.

13 Little-Known Punctuation Marks We Should Be Using

41 Cowboy Slang Terms for Things You Eat and Drink

9 Rituals to Celebrate the Spring Equinox
Every Item in Nickelodeon’s 1992 Time Capsule
In 1992, Nickelodeon assembled items important to the kids of the day, put them in a big orange time capsule, and buried it in front of Nickelodeon Studios in Universal Studios. Here’s the full list.
17 Euphemisms for Sex From the 1800s
These 17 synonyms for sex earned a place in the ‘1811 Dictionary of the Vulgar Tongue.’
48 Things You Didn't Know Had Names
So that's what you call it! It turns out that thingy, that doohickey, that stuff, and that space between those two things probably all have names.
30 Things Turning 30 This Year
Happy 30th birthday, 1984! If you're turning 30 this year, you're in good company—here are 30 things that share your birth year.
30 Things Turning 30 This Year
1983 was a banner year for American culture. If you're turning 30 this year, you're not alone—here are 30 things to celebrate with.
25 Things Turning 25 This Year
If you're turning 25 this year, good news—you can now rent a car in the US without paying a weird fee <i>and</i> you're as old as the California Raisins. Read on, before your quarter-life crisis hits.
10 Meaty Facts About McDonald's McRib Sandwich
Ready or not, it's back!
13 Electrifying Nikola Tesla Quotes
The greatest geek who ever lived had thoughts on everything from gender equality to aliens.
The Time Teddy Roosevelt Was Shot in the Chest, Then Gave a Speech Anyway
Roosevelt is said not to have noticed he was hit until he reached into his overcoat and felt the blood on his fingers.
6 Memorable Letters From Neil Armstrong
Neil Armstrong, who would have turned 87 years old today, is remembered as both a "reluctant American hero" and "the spiritual repository of spacefaring dreams and ambitions."
15 Women Who Have Won Science Nobel Prizes Since Marie Curie
Marie Curie famously snagged two Nobel Prizes, but many other women have also been awarded the Physics, Chemistry, and Physiology or Medicine Nobels, too. Here are their stories.
All the Presidents' Menus: What First Families Eat on Christmas
Washington really knew how to throw a dinner party.