You Can Get a Passport in 24 Hours—Here's How

Randy Harris/iStock via Getty Images
Randy Harris/iStock via Getty Images | Randy Harris/iStock via Getty Images

Between driver's licenses, replacement social security cards, and passports, receiving tangible evidence of your identity from the government can be a glacial process. It can take six to eight weeks to process your initial passport application and weeks more if you need to renew one that’s expired.

As incredible as it may seem, there’s a way to turn that long wait into something as brief as one business day, Conde Nast Traveler reports. But it’s going to cost you.

A service called RushMyPassport has teamed up with FedEx to offer new passports or passport renewals that can be turned around in just 24 hours. Their business model involves hand couriers that visit U.S. passport agencies after they receive your documentation.

Why the rush? Sometimes people simply forget to glance at their passport and make sure it’s still valid before booking an expensive international trip—or don't realize that the country they're traveling to requires visitors' passports to be valid for several months past the planned end of their stay. Others don’t realize how long it can take to obtain their first passport.

The service is counting on people who are willing to pay a premium for expedited delivery. Overnight renewal will set you back $449. If you can wait a few more days, other packages ranging from two-day service ($399) to an 10- to 14-day wait ($99) are available. You also need to pay the $170 processing fee charged by the government.

The paperwork requirements are plentiful and include proof of identity, proof of citizenship, and proof of travel. If you’re applying for a new passport, you’ll still need to visit a Passport Acceptance Agent, like the ones found in post offices, to verify your identity.

[h/t Conde Nast Traveler]