How to Use Kitty Litter to Dispose of Old Cooking Oil

Your kitchen pipes will thank you.
You definitely don‘t want this stuff going down your pipes.
You definitely don‘t want this stuff going down your pipes. | Yuji Kotani/GettyImages

Pouring oil down your kitchen drain is a cardinal sin of homeownership. Doing so can cause congealed grease to build up against the pipe’s walls and create blockages, even if you pour hot water and dish soap down the drain with the oil. In the worst cases, such issues can lead to broken pipes and flooding, which isn’t fun (or cheap) to deal with. Thankfully, there’s an easy solution—especially if you’re a cat owner. It turns out kitty litter isn’t just for covering up smelly odors: If you need to get rid of old cooking oil, you can use it to sop up the liquid before transferring it to your trashcan.

The process is simple. The Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) explains that if you have a lot of oil to throw out, start by waiting for it to cool down completely. Next you can pour clay cat litter into the grease a little at a time. Allow the oil to absorb into the litter, pour the mixture into a trash bag, and then tie it closed. You should now be able to dispose of it safely like any other food waste.

The landfill is a good place for oils from the kitchen, which include pan drippings, bacon grease, salad dressings, and sauces. The TCEQ makes it clear that you should never pour such substances down the toilet, or into street gutters or storm drains. (The massive fatbergs that wreak havoc on city sewage systems are the result of people ignoring these pleas.) Even non-greasy foods can clog up your drains, so avoid putting anything down your sink unless you have a garbage disposal.

If kitty litter isn’t an option, there are other ways to dispose of cooking oil safely. Other absorbent materials, such as sand, sawdust, or flour, will soak up the liquid as well. You can also call a local business (like a restaurant or recycling center) to see if they’ll take leftover oil off your hands. These places often send it to refineries that will convert it to biodiesel; just make sure to use a funnel to pour the oil into an empty container before transporting it. Transferring it to a sealable container and putting it in the trash works for smaller amounts. 

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