Grab Your Antacid and Try These Extra Flamin’ Hot Cookie Dough and Gelato Bites

Flamin’ Hot Cheetos and gelato: a match made in heaven.
Hopefully you have a strong stomach.
Hopefully you have a strong stomach. | Doughlicious/Ocado

Unbaked cookie dough isn’t considered edible because it usually contains raw eggs and flour—but that doesn’t stop people from eating it. Fortunately companies like Nestlé Toll House now sell edible cookie dough, and you can even make your own safe-to-eat cookie dough at home. If you’re looking for a version of the treat that goes beyond the classic chocolate chip, you may be interested in the new Extra Flamin’ Hot Cookie Dough & Gelato Bites from Doughlicious.

Nerdist reports that the snack company Doughlicious partnered with PepsiCo to create the unusual flavor combination. Their new product is not for the faint of heart (or stomach): It consists of bird’s eye chili cookie dough, ghost pepper-infused gelato, and a chipotle cookie crumb coating. The unusual blend of sweet and savory is unlike anything else you might find in the frozen treats aisle. Even if you enjoy other Flamin’ Hot foods, like this grilled cheese sandwich made with Velveeta and Flamin‘ Hot Cheetos, this particular concoction may be hard to stomach.   

Boxes of the cookie dough bites are selling for £4 (about $5) on Ocado. The Doughlicious brand is also sold at major retailers, such as Target and Whole Foods Market, though it’s unclear if their latest product will be sold in the stores. Until then, you can visit the brand’s website to stay up to date on their offerings. If you prefer more conventional cookie dough flavors, you may be interested in their mint chocolate chip or strawberry varieties.

Extra Flamin’ Hot Cookie Dough & Gelato Bites are hardly the first product to combine cheesy junk food with ice cream. In October 2024, Doritos opened its first-ever restaurant at the Arena, which served a “crunchtastic” vanilla ice cream cone covered in crushed nacho cheese Dorito crumbs.  

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