What Is Code-Switching—And Why Do We Do It?
Code-switching goes beyond language—here's what it means and why it happens.
Code-switching goes beyond language—here's what it means and why it happens.
Quotes like “one bad apple,” “money is the root of all evil,” and “O Romeo, Romeo, wherefore art thou Romeo?” have been entirely misinterpreted.
Study up on this breaking terminology so you know what you’re talking about you’re watching the sport at the 2024 Summer Olympics in Paris.
When the Declaration of Independence was signed in 1776, both 'pursuit' and 'happiness' had secondary definitions that change the meaning of the iconic quote.
As brothers Bob and Doug McKenzie on ‘SCTV,’ actors Rick Moranis and Dave Thomas made ‘hoser’ popular—and there are plenty of theories about the word’s origin.
Chris Evert’s tennis bracelets made tennis bracelets a thing. But the origin story gets mistold quite often.
This cheeky euphemism was kicking around years before Bart ever used it on “The Simpsons,” but it prompted some significant backlash in the early ‘90s.
Sadly, ‘PU’ isn’t an initialism for “Pretty unsavory!”, “Putrid, ugh!”, or even “Please use (deodorant)!”
The classic 1970s TV commercial is one of the most famous of all time, but no one ever actually utters its most quoted line.
In the 1980s, the U.S. Navy carried out a futile search for the “real” Dorothy.
Everyone from lexicographer Samuel Johnson to Prime Minister Winston Churchill has used the phrase—but where does it come from? Why a black dog?
The Vikings had a lot of ways to call out people for being lazy.
Humans share some of their body parts’ name origins with fish, cows, and dolls.
The word dates back to the mid-19th century, and has taken many forms.
Brides or grooms with second thoughts are said to have chilly extremities. The origin of the phrase has a little something to do with poker.
Is Einstein's definition of insanity world-famous or just a myth?
When she was trying to fly under the radar, Queen Elizabeth II went by the name ‘Sharon.’
These iconic brands were almost called something else entirely. Can you figure out what it was?
It’s complicated—and there are more questions than answers.
In his famous 1858 speech, Abraham Lincoln warned that only civil war would resolve the issue of slavery in the U.S. He wasn’t wrong.
Here's how the hamburger came by its misleading name.
Although the line between the two is sometimes a little blurred, their origins are actually very distinct.
A quick sales attempt is said to be an “elevator pitch.” But does it actually have anything to do with elevators?
Going undercover? Don’t forget your pocket litter, otherwise you might be targeted for some wet work.