Watch Richard Feynman Explain Fire
"Fire is stored sunshine."
"Fire is stored sunshine."
The South American palm weevil is eating palms' hearts out.
The school just edged out the previous record, which belonged to their rivals.
Don't let the rainbow scarab's love of coprophagy put you off. It's a stunner.
Arakawa has been visiting Yoriko, an Asian sheepshead wrasse—called a kobudai in Japan—in the waters of Hasama Underwater Park.
Who knew floppy drives and scanners could rock so hard?
The tips move at more than 35 mph...but the trick is how you measure something so fidgety.
Including a Mini Cooper built with transparent panels.
Your morning cup o' joe can give you more than just a caffeine buzz.
A thorough survey of this population could lend insight into the aftermath of sea ice loss.
It has 1,969 pieces, referencing the 1969 launch of Apollo 11.
"Supercell thunderstorms are a manifestation of nature’s attempt to correct an extreme imbalance."
Switzerland’s Illhorn Mountain is home to the annual deluge, as layers of snow and icy dirt thaw and flow down to the ground below.
In 1969, one school computer filled multiple rooms, broke down constantly, and was brilliant.
No surprise, he acted exactly the same on late night TV as on his own show.
British puzzle maker Tony Fisher's itty-bitty creation is less than a centimeter wide.
The 1980s were a magical time that gave birth to so many things that have become commonplace in our lives, including personal computers, 'Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles' movies, and two-pound cell phones.
Do androids dream of electronic train rides?
Irving Finkel deciphered the rules from a cuneiform tablet dated to 177 BCE.
These logical pirates will divide their booty based on a "yarr"/nay vote.
How can you make a cube with dovetails on four sides? Think outside the box....
James Burke showed how anxiety, boredom, and FOMO would be the future of remote work. Nailed it!
It's more dangerous than it looks.
Constellations are temporary.