Watch 6 Vintage Toy Commercials
Remember when Mr. Potato Head was just an actual, edible potato with stuff you'd stick into him? And “Captain Action” promised to be any superhero you could afford the clothes for?
Remember when Mr. Potato Head was just an actual, edible potato with stuff you'd stick into him? And “Captain Action” promised to be any superhero you could afford the clothes for?
From the cars to the fashion, a lot has changed in the Windy City.
From Mariah to Britney, this video covers a decade's worth of chart-topping hits.
We’re covering practical tips (like the scent that will alert you to an impending electrical fire) to decidedly stranger ones (how to get out of a kangaroo attack) in the latest episode of The List Show.
These old commercials from the 1980s and '90s will have you "Sweatin' to the Oldies" with Richard Simmons and hanging out with Doublemint Twins.
You don't have to be a retro video game fan to find this classic PlayStation restoration oddly satisfying.
From funeral homes only using hearses to transport bodies to having to wear black to a memorial service, we’re laying some common myths about funerals to rest in the latest episode of ‘Misconceptions.’
The clip of the solar eclipse, recorded by a magician Nevil Maskelyne in 1900, could be the oldest footage of an astronomical event ever filmed.
Blue balls? Broken hymens? Popping your cherry? We’re covering all the topics you’ve always wondered about but were too embarrassed to ask.
Pop songs get misinterpreted all the time, and we're here to break down the real stories behind your favorite bops, from Nirvana to Bruce Springsteen.
The best way to relocate beavers in the 1940s? Drop them out of planes, of course.
Owl feathers’ special structures help the wise birds sneak up on their meals.
Not even a compass could help you get to lost places like Doggerland, Guaíra Falls, and Rungholt.
Uncovered on the grounds of the now-demolished Bahr Treatment Center in Indianapolis, this time capsule contained film reels that are still shrouded in a layer of mystery.
A druid, Muammar Gaddafi, and a horseshoe are all players in this genius memory hack.
“The whole process has a chilling, macabre tinge! It’s almost horrific the way they pop in the doll’s eyes with workaday nonchalance.”
On this episode of Misconceptions, host Justin Dodd breaks down some higher-level myths. If your professor is 15 minutes late, are you really allowed to leave? How important is picking the right major in college?
For all the footage that made it into the final cut of 'Seinfeld,' there were plenty of behind-the-scenes bloopers primetime viewers didn't get to see.
Were the '70s really the height of disco, punk, and the sexual revolution? Host Justin Dodd investigates in this episode of “Misconceptions."
Not even John Lennon, Paul McCartney, George Harrison, or Ringo Starr could imagine the fandom that awaited them when they headed to the U.S. for the first time.
Florida is known for its alligator sightings, weird crimes, and Disney World. But how much of what you think you know about the Sunshine State is true?
The U.S. government is constantly moving its nuclear weapons from one facility to another, which means you may have passed one on the highway without even realizing it.
In the ocean, cuttlefish are masters of disguise. But can they camouflage themselves in artificial environments, like human homes?
There are sparkling glacial lakes, breathtaking sunsets, and mountains disappearing into clouds in this high-def tribute to Grand Teton National Park.