The Weird, Disturbing World of Snail Sex
It involves something called a "love dart," and it's less romantic than it sounds.
It involves something called a "love dart," and it's less romantic than it sounds.
The three-episode BBC drama, which premieres on Amazon on June 29, is indeed English to its core.
In 1998, 'Sex and the City' premiered on HBO and instantly pushed cosmos, Post-it note break-ups, and Mr. Big into the cultural lexicon.
Sometimes artists become more known among the general public for their colorful personal lives than for their artwork, no matter how great their contributions to the art world.
Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh was a polarizing figure who knew how to grab headlines.
An 1886 law made it illegal for a woman in Ohio to act on those romantic feelings she was having toward her roller skating instructor.
Oh my.
1. Kevin Bacon thought the script was "the trashiest piece of crap" he had ever read.
The male sexual organ is more complicated than it might seem.
In Wilt Chamberlain's 1991 book, 'A View From Above,' the basketball great claimed to have slept with 20,000 different women during his life. Let's check his math on the basketball legend's most famous statistic.
If you’ve seen a cheetah in an American zoo in the past 40 years, there’s a decent chance it spent time at Oregon’s Wildlife Safari.
Paul Thomas Anderson’s epic ode to the adult film industry resurrected Burt Reynolds’ career. But Reynolds wasn't a fan.
The pelvis is not actually a single body part, but a term that refers to a collection of bones, muscles and organs below the waist.
Alfred Kinsey forever changed the way we think, and talk, about sex—partly by asking more than 18,000 men and women deeply personal questions about their most intimate habits.
Dating apps are only bringing more clients to them.
Researchers used a CT scanner to watch how dolphins' oddly shaped junk fits together during sex.
The erotic thriller was an unexpected hit.
The origins of syphilis may be one of the greatest (and grossest) health mysteries of our time. What we do know is that, throughout history, people were quick to point fingers at each other.
Genetically speaking, getting eaten could be the best thing to ever happen to a male mantis.
Sometimes Cupid needs a little push.
“In terms of its dimensions, it’s clearly the right shape and everything,” Sara Rivers-Cofield told mental_floss.
There's no rule that regulates how animals obtain the necessary genetic material to reproduce—and as a result, there is a lot of weird animal sex going on out there.
It’s gross. It’s tender. It’s … lengthy.
When Hugh Hefner couldn't make a party, he made sure his cardboard stand-in was there for guests.