10 Brilliant Facts About Teeth
The average adult human has 28 to 32 teeth, give or take a set of wisdom teeth. But besides the importance of brushing and flossing, how well do you know your chompers?
The average adult human has 28 to 32 teeth, give or take a set of wisdom teeth. But besides the importance of brushing and flossing, how well do you know your chompers?
If you thought the answer was "one," we were right there with you. But we'd both be wrong.
We'll exhume a few of them.
There's a part of your brain that almost guarantees you'll never tip over on your 10-speed again.
Though Nichelle Nichols was best known for her role as Lieutenant Uhura on 'Star Trek,' she also played a key role in the formation of NASA’s Space Shuttle Program and inspired generations of STEM leaders.
Seventy-three years after his body was discovered under strange circumstances, DNA researchers claim to know the identity of Australia's Somerton Man.
Few volcanoes had had such a dramatic and devastating impact on the world as Indonesia's Mount Tambora.
A new study explains how T. rex's feathered ancestors may have survived the extinction event that wiped out nearly half of all quadrupeds.
Computer scientists are developing algorithms for AI to complete the unfinished works of Beethoven and other classical music masters.
NASA has released the deepest, clearest images of the universe ever captured.
Do you put too much stock into anything labeled ‘forensic evidence’? You might be a victim of the CSI effect.
The Delta Aquariid meteor shower peaks on July 29, 2022. Here's what you need to know to catch the summer spectacle.
A poop sample from your cat or dog could be a valuable piece of data for scientists studying pet health.
Hawkins was the Steven Spielberg of his time—an artist and visionary who created an immersive world where giants still walked the Earth.
The most beautiful cat in the world is the one in your house, of course. And if it’s a Norwegian Forest cat, mathematicians might even agree.
With safety goggles and an adult standing by, this elephant toothpaste recipe makes a great science experiment for kids.
Infants are typically born with 52 teeth, but it’s not an even split between baby teeth and adult teeth.
One place in Venezuela, near the confluence of the Catatumbo River and Lake Maracaibo, experiences lightning storms almost every day.
The tick-borne illness causing inflammation and fatigue may be more prevalent than we knew.
Optical illusions like this are the reason we have trust issues.
Thanks in part to a snail, California bees are fish. No, this isn’t a Mad Lib.
Voyeuristic scientists discovered a “golden” rule when it comes to how—and for how long—animals urinate.
The black hole in this optical illusion isn't really expanding, but your brain might assume otherwise.
Dolphins don't just use vocalization to find pals: They also take urine samples.