How Are Royal Babies Named?
If they're keeping with tradition, Will and Kate have a limited pool of monikers from which to choose.
If they're keeping with tradition, Will and Kate have a limited pool of monikers from which to choose.
The young queen was quick to act.
The triforium, 70 feet above the Abbey’s ground floor, will be open to the public as a museum in June 2018.
Despite Henry VIII's place in history books and pop culture, there are likely a number of things most people don't know about this enigmatic monarch.
In the summer of 1982, Michael Fagan managed to sneak past Buckingham Palace security and find his way into Queen Elizabeth II's bedroom while she slept. It wasn't his first royal break-in.
Victoria detested babies, childbirth, and all that muck. Below are some choice words Her Majesty had for the business of babies.
With election season in full swing, perhaps it’s time to take a step back and be glad that neither candidate makes out with corpses or thinks they have bones made of glass.