To Boldly Go: The Science Behind Pooping in Space
Coming up with a practical way of replicating the earthbound poop experience took many years, many engineers, and a whole lot of ingenuity.
Coming up with a practical way of replicating the earthbound poop experience took many years, many engineers, and a whole lot of ingenuity.
A car accident in a movie usually ends in a huge fireball. But what really causes vehicle fires?
Why your drunk friend feels so much heavier than your sober buddies.
Mantis shrimp can deal incredible blows without damaging themselves, but how? The makeup of their armor is key.
Hiking over several feet of snow becomes possible with some clever physics and nature-inspired design.
Why the humble tennis ball needs to sport a little hair, explained.
Discover what causes static electricity on clothes, along with how to keep it from becoming a recurring problem this season.
The interior of an igloo can be 40 to 60 degrees warmer than its surrounding environment.
Rosemary Fowler discovered a type of subatomic particle, the kaon—but left the university before earning her doctorate.
Ben Franklin’s famous experiment with the kite and key gave him a better understanding of the nature of electricity. But did that event lead to the lightning rod?
It depends on the properties of water, the definition of wetness, and whether you can trust when your senses inform you if something is wet or not.
To win a nuclear arms race, Leona Libby hid a pregnancy and brushed off being irradiated.
The birth of our universe happened at least 13 billion years ago—and you may have seen it on TV.
In 1923, filmmakers attempted to demonstrate Einstein's theory of relativity with pistols.
How and where you land is one of the major factors in whether you get up from the ground or go 6 feet further into it
According to string theory, there are at least 10 dimensions of space, most of which are impossible for humans to perceive.
Before J. Robert Oppenheimer had a change of heart, some of his fellow scientists opposed the U.S. government’s plan to make and deploy an atomic bomb.
The enigmatic physicist at the center of Christopher Nolan's newest film may have come to regret being known as the “Father of the Atomic Bomb.”
Trillions of neutrinos zoom through you every second. Here's what you should know about these mysterious, nearly mass-less subatomic particles.
America’s greatest physicists assembled under the Manhattan Project to create the deadliest weapon the world had ever seen—an atomic bomb.
Researchers at MIT looked at "postmortem crème distribution" to see if two Oreo wafers can have an equal amount of filling after being twisted.
Marie Curie, who was born in Warsaw, Poland, on November 7, 1867, is still the only person to receive Nobel Prizes in two different sciences.
Once a simple patent clerk, Albert Einstein changed the world with his theories of special and general relativity.
If you can’t wrap your head around the physics of air travel, this video will illustrate it for you.