Can You Figure Out How Many Triangles Are in This Picture?
We'll give you a minute.
We'll give you a minute.
Turning pictures of words into digital words is tricky business.
Your cargo of rare fish was washed overboard. Can you figure out how many tanks you need to retrieve?
The tips move at more than 35 mph...but the trick is how you measure something so fidgety.
Can you figure out when Cheryl's birthday is?
Many problems routinely encountered around the house benefit from mathematical methods and insights.
This puzzle will make you glad to be out of elementary school.
These logical pirates will divide their booty based on a "yarr"/nay vote.
Alan Turing broke the Enigma code. What was broken in the Enigma system itself?
The real-life story behind the hit movie doesn't end once the credits roll; for educators, there's now a free curriculum to use in the classroom that shines a light on the pioneering African-American women of NASA's space program.
It's just the fate of humanity. No pressure.
They were incredibly talented mathematicians—but they rarely used numbers in their math.
And how do you quell it?
It's been called the hardest logic puzzle ever made. We agree.
You have to lick a frog in order to survive. But WHICH frog?
It would need to be 4400 feet tall, though.
Running the computer program to calculate it took a week.
You need to figure out three numbers based on a handful of clues. If you fail, you'll be eaten by mutant salamanders.
A Danish study found that integrating physical activity into math lessons boosted kids’ test scores.
Mid-air refueling for the win!
When it comes to getting the most out of your favorite meals, the hungriest minds in the fields of math and science have got your back.