9 Pointed Facts About Narwhals
Here’s what we know about these fascinating Arctic whales, including their life cycle, habits, and unique spiraled tusks.
Here’s what we know about these fascinating Arctic whales, including their life cycle, habits, and unique spiraled tusks.
English speakers may be familiar with onomatopoeias, but they’re only a very small subset of ideophones, a broader word class can also convey other sensory experiences unrelated to sound. These Korean ideophones are sure to make your language sparkle.
Eddie Bauer didn’t always sell outdoor gear—and Kohl’s wasn’t always a department store. In some cases, these retailers have come a long way from their humble beginnings.
Discover the controversial conspiracy theories that challenge Shakespeare’s authorship, from the Baconian Theory to the Alien Theory and beyond.
Limp Bizkit did it all for the nookie ... and the chance to make people not want to listen to their music?
What has come to be known as International Women’s Day has been celebrated for more than 100 years.
Whether you view squirrels as adorable little creatures or persistent pests bent on chewing everything in sight, there's more to the ubiquitous rodents than meets the eye.
Curious about 1950s slang? Learn about beatniks, backseat bingo, and other popular terms that captured the spirit of the era.
If the Sunday scaries have got you down—especially ahead of Daylight Savings 2024—then these essential products might help make the 9-to-5 grind seem less daunting.
In Hollywood, winning the Oscar for Best Picture is the highest honor a film can achieve—and we’re giving you one fun fact about all 95 of them.
Millennials might just be the most studied generation in history—and also perhaps the most misunderstood. We’re here to help separate fact from fiction.
The master of Americana often drew on real people for inspiration, including one little boy who grew up to be the chairman of Nintendo.
Some American slang is frickin' great. Others can be cringe. Real talk.
To English speakers, Irish is a tough language to master. But that doesn't mean you shouldn’t give it a try.
From the Dyatlov Pass incident to the murder of JonBenét Ramsey, some of the best nonfiction books about history’s greatest mysteries are so gripping, they’ll make you feel like you’re about to crack open a few cold cases yourself.
Discover the intriguing origins of everything from Oreos to Juicy Fruit gum to sparkling water, exploring their hidden histories and unexpected beginnings, from vaudeville fads to accidental inventions.
Explore the colorful world of slang terms for money, from ‘bacon’ to ‘moolah’ and beyond.
Even after the success of 'Mad Max: Fury Road,' 'Happy Feet' remains George Miller's biggest hit.
From ‘piece of cake’ to ‘the apple of my eye,’ these food-related phrases have fascinating histories.
Is it possible to make an objective list of cities offering your best chance of happiness? Maybe.
Discover the most distinctive vintage baby girl and baby boy names spanning the Lost Generation to Gen Z.
You know Harry Belafonte's hits—here are some facts about the artist behind them.
Find out everything you need to know about the origins of Women's History Month, including how it went from a daylong celebration born from a socialist idea to a monthlong institution in the United States.
You may want to know the ghoulish beginnings of these well-known death idioms before you shuffle off this mortal coil, kick the bucket, or get laid out in lavender.