You’re Probably Pronouncing Nevada All Wrong
It's a question that Americans have been arguing about for decades: How exactly do you pronounce Nevada?
It's a question that Americans have been arguing about for decades: How exactly do you pronounce Nevada?
If you're an adult, the accent you use to speak now is likely the accent you'll have for the rest of your life.
After embracing the coziness of hygge this winter, try uitwaaien—the Dutch practice of doing physical activity in cold, windy weather.
A degree in lexicography can actually hurt your chances of getting the job. Here are some more secrets from the people behind the dictionary.
‘They’ is an official nonbinary pronoun, ‘coulrophobia’ is the fear of clowns, and ‘dad jokes’ are extremely funny.
From ‘poltroon’ to ‘slugabed’ and beyond, this list will surely add some color to your future squabbles.
'Further' and 'farther' are separated by one letter and they're often used interchangeably, but there's an easy way to tell the difference between them.
Most of the world's indigenous languages are at risk of being wiped out for good. A new project from Google Earth aims to preserve them by gathering clips of native speakers from around the world.
This pithy word may only be three letters long, but it's deceptively complex. According to one lexicographer, it has 645 distinct definitions.
A UK scholar claims the Voynich manuscript isn't written in code, but in an extinct language. Other experts aren't so sure.
Pendle Hill is really Hill Hill Hill. Here are 11 others like that.
For decades, linguists have been able to use the quirks of written texts to pinpoint the author. The process, called stylometric analysis or stylometry, has dozens of legal and academic applications.
A Vermont-based writer is cataloguing rare scripts that are disappearing due to political conflicts and globalization.
Here are some word endings that have become productive to varying degrees.
File these away in your brainpan.
Is it octopuses, octopi, or octopodes?
Whether it's selling seashells by the seashore or buying Betty Botter's bitter butter, some of these difficult phrases go way back to when elocution was practiced as routinely as multiplication tables.
They're not completely interchangeable.
Your education shouldn't end when you graduate.
Half of the world’s spoken languages are expected to go extinct by the end of the century.
Their theories are based on the idea that a "universal grammar" might hold true for both aliens and humans.
Do you say "pew-litzer" or "pull-itzer"?
The mysterious text has stumped codebreakers for decades.
What experts have long suspected has been confirmed.