Why Do We Call Someone a “One-Trick Pony”?
Maligning ponies has become a go-to way to dismiss someone. How did that happen?
Maligning ponies has become a go-to way to dismiss someone. How did that happen?
The horses are an iconic feature in many Super Bowl commercials.
There are many reasons why horses might need shoes. There’s pretty much only one reason why cows don’t.
Anna Sewell’s 19th-century novel about a horse named Black Beauty put the spotlight on animal welfare.
The poem “The Rainbow Bridge” has long comforted animal lovers who are mourning a pet. But for decades, its author remained a mystery.
Not looking a gift horse in the mouth means being thankful for a gift, even if you secretly wished for something better—and it originated long before the invention of cars.
Put on a fancy hat, grab a mint julep, and become the best-informed person at your Derby party.
Some of these animals are rugged mountaineers, some have spots instead of stripes, and some of them bark like dogs. And if you want to tell the zebra species apart, look at their rumps.
When people talk about a dog and pony show today, they usually mean a flashy presentation or event that's all about appearances, with little real substance. But where does this phrase come from, and what's its history?
Animals have always been important to the lives and livelihoods of humans, so it’s no wonder they've left a mark on language.
The idiom has little to do with playing with our food and more to do with equine diets.
These unique gifts for cat lovers, dog lovers, and horse lovers will add some animal-themed joy to your loved one’s life this holiday season.
These traditional Swedish toys are much more than a classic holiday gift or travel souvenir.
If you thought the answer was "one," we were right there with you. But we'd both be wrong.
Horses own the winner’s circle in English idioms. But where did these popular phrases originate?
You can still find reminders of the days when horse-drawn transportation reigned.
Icelandic horses have a reputation for being extra intelligent and independent—qualities that make for great office assistants.
Animals in movies seem lucky to begin with—but none can compete with the shelter dog that Chris Evans took home.
Racehorse names may honor a pedigree, a First Lady, or make a fart joke.
Like Stonehenge, the rocking horse graveyard in Lincoln, Massachusetts, known as Ponyhenge is shrouded in mystery.
When Olympic equestrians pictured going for the gold, they probably didn’t expect a sumo wrestler’s ample backside to get in the way.
If you've ever watched the Kentucky Derby, you've seen a field full of Thoroughbred horses in action.
While women jockeys face obstacles, perhaps none has faced the level of challenge that Eliza Carpenter did.
Because the best way to find out if unicorns are real is to trek to the nearest forest and look for one yourself.