Dancing Can Be a Pain Reliever, Study Finds
Yet another reason to get your groove on.
Yet another reason to get your groove on.
In 1858, the poet published a 13-column guide to manly health under a pseudonym.
The ravages of "phossy jaw"—necrosis of the jaw bone caused by phosphorus poisoning—may have been discovered in a young teenager's remains.
With SpiroCall, people will be able to dial an 800 number and breathe into the phone while a program on the other end analyzes the sound of their breath.
Work doesn't have to be the most stressful part of life.
“SSRIs are a good thing, but they have an inhibitory effect on osteoblasts, bone cells, which we’ve only known about since 2010,” Sebastiano Andreana tells mental_floss.
Despite what you may have heard, you’re not doomed to be out of shape if you’re a night owl and can’t bear to work out when you roll out of bed.
All the willpower in the world can’t change the way your body processes calories.
Don’t ditch your cubicle for a catamaran just yet.
Add these nutritious rice substitutes to your dinner rotation.
Genes, genes, and more genes.
You don’t need a palace by the sea to reap the benefits, either.
Scientists say the discomfort of being bored drives us to seek out dopamine-stimulating sweet or fatty foods.
A large study found that fish oil, vitamin D, and other supplements may increase the power of medication for clinical depression.
Too busy to work out? Consider interval training.
If you suffer from depression, you're not alone: Around 18.8 million American adults have suffered from a depressive illness. Here's how to make things work at work.
It takes exactly 90 days to get used to a new face.
TVs, music, and escalators will be shut off to create a welcoming environment.
Even a short trip aboard the space shuttle was enough to induce liver disease.
Scientists say heat, not cold (or urine) is the best first aid for a sting.
Having and maintaining relationships isn’t just good for the soul.
Going for a nice long jog now might save you a broken calcaneus bone when you’re older, a recent study suggests.
Just running your soapy hands under the faucet isn’t good enough.
It’s so much more than baby food.