Cravings, Rabbits, and Witches: The Creepy Retro Explanations for Birthmarks
According to some strange old theories about the origins of birthmarks, a blemish on your behind meant you had the mark of the devil.
According to some strange old theories about the origins of birthmarks, a blemish on your behind meant you had the mark of the devil.
Using a toothbrush that doesn't belong to you isn't a romantic gesture. It's a health risk.
Did you know that famous figures like Thomas Edison and Salvador Dalí were avid nappers? Learn more about their unique napping habits and the benefits they experienced here.
You really don’t want to know what’s lurking in that dip.
Fresh snow might look tasty, but just because it looks clean doesn’t mean it actually is.
A spud spat is brewing between tuber advocates and the U.S. Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee over what it means to be a potato.
The wall-mounted dryers could be dirtier than a toilet seat.
Taking steps like moving your body, booking a trip, and tweaking your routine can keep you feeling balanced during the winter doldrums.
In 1900, the global average life expectancy was around 32 years old. Today, it's 71. How did this happen?
Why does the fire department show up for emergency calls if nothing is on fire?
This soy and mirin braised kabocha squash with seaweed butter is both healthy and decadent.
Deciding to write 'disc' or 'disk' depends on what kind of disc it is. Sometimes.
Eating well often comes at a premium price. Here’s why.
Participating in Dry January means that no booze at all is to pass your lips for the entire calendar month of January. Here's how it started.
Breaking out in a sweat after you take a hot shower is normal, but there are steps you can take to prevent it.
A recent study found a link between artificial sweeteners in ultra-processed foods and an increased risk of depression.
Got a New Year’s resolution to go to the gym more often? Here are a few tips to help you stick to your goals.
The differences between HSAs and FSAs include how they’re set up, how much you can contribute, and who qualifies.
The powerful royal family was not immune to the many illnesses of the 16th century.
The bootleg chocolate bars are prompting health and safety concerns.
Considering how familiar we all are with the human body—since we all have one—there is a surprising number of enduring myths about it.
Warning: You might be shocked to learn what kinds of germs are stuck to the bottoms and even the insides of your favorite shoes.
The therapist gave advice about masturbation and contraception at a time those subjects were still taboo.
What is a placebo? Technically, a Latin phrase meaning ‘I will please.’ It’s also a Catholic prayer and a clever insult.