'Lime Disease' Could Give You a Nasty Rash This Summer
Squeeze with caution.
The invasive species likes to gang up on its prey, sometimes swarming animals by the thousands.
On April 28, 1789, Fletcher Christian and 18 other sailors wrested control of the HMS Bounty from Lieutenant William Bligh. They then sent Bligh and his loyal crew members off in a lifeboat in the South Pacific. More than 230 years later, their actions ma
Time to brew another pot.
Starting August 1, the airline will no longer offer peanuts on any of its flights.
The liquid in the frames syncs with your sense of balance.
It doesn't always mean you're anxious.
Unfortunately for you, reading this article on your phone in the dark won’t help, so make sure to arm yourself with these tips before you hit the sack.
You don't have to sweat through every shirt.
There has been an outbreak of cyclosporiasis, an intestinal illness.
Idaho? Super active. New York? Not so much.
If you're timid about diving onto a psychiatrist's couch, remember: It could be worse. Like getting-a-hole-drilled-into-your-skull worse.
Your doctor may tell you that your BP is “120 over 80.” You may very well not know what that means.
It's very different from dizziness.
You've probably wondered what's really inside a hot dog before. We have the answer—though we don't recommend reading it before your next cook-out.
There's a trick to doing it right.
The CDC has guidelines—and most people aren't meeting them.
Tens of thousands of Americans might have it.
At the dawn of the age of scientific medicine, there were only a handful of remedies that we would recognize today as safe and effective.
Theaters are now required to post a health warning.
Insurance companies offer discount programs on everything from yoga to treadmills. Here's how to find them.
19 cents a kilometer adds up. Eventually.