Error in Judgment: The 100-Year-Old Supreme Court Typo That May Have Altered Judicial Decisions
The typo in a 1928 opinion may have inadvertently influenced an unknown number of decisions to follow.
The typo in a 1928 opinion may have inadvertently influenced an unknown number of decisions to follow.
Yes, you can have a Facebook page and still join the CIA.
Tariffs are a means for one country to wrangle better trade terms with another country and to protect domestic manufacturing. Unfortunately, they don’t always deliver.
Could you pass the civics portion of the U.S. citizenship test? Applicants must answer six of 10 questions correctly—and it’s harder than it sounds.
The transfer of power passes through a lot of people. Can you put them in order?
How well do you really know the U.S. Constitution? Discover things you might not have realized about this influential document, like its dictator-friendly loophole.
Where does your state rank when it comes to wildlife conservation?
Washington, D.C., hasn't always been the political center of the United States.
Civil disobedience and nonviolent protests have moved mountains. Here are just a few examples of when people took back power.
Soviet spy Rudolf Abel might have never been caught were it not for a Russian turncoat and a newspaper delivery boy who thought he’d been stiffed.
The U.S. and USSR employed spies, quelled internal dissent, made allies abroad, and stockpiled nuclear weapons in this proxy war.
Since 1789, Congress has sent 33 constitutional amendments to the states for ratification. Here’s the scoop on the six amendments that didn't make the grade.
The space agency helped out on a landmark criminal case in 1990.
From Acadia to Zion, the U.S. has some pretty majestic national parks. Here’s one fun fact about every single one—plus a map so you can see where they all are.
For every speech, there are a bunch of versions that ended up on the writers' room floor. Here are 12 speeches that were written but, for a variety of reasons, never delivered.
Sometimes the letter of the law has tough things to say about, well, letters.
Received a text about unpaid tolls? You may be the target of a new phishing scam.
The Scottish government won’t be rounding up people’s pets any time soon.
We cannot confirm nor deny we have an explanation.
Those with TikTok withdrawal can get their fix. For a price.
Often called one of the seven modern wonders of the world, the Panama Canal splits the continents of North and South America and launched a new era in global commerce when it opened in 1914.
The agency needs help deciphering the flowing penmanship of the past.
There’s a surprising connection between the capital of the Philippines and mailing important documents.
The MLK quote “a riot is the language of the unheard” came from his 1967 speech on the two Americas.