Why Aren't Bidets Common in the U.S.?
When there is a porcelain toilet-side wash station installed in a U.S. bathroom, it is often an unexpected extra.
When there is a porcelain toilet-side wash station installed in a U.S. bathroom, it is often an unexpected extra.
A, E, I, O, U, and sometimes Y. Why is that?
The “little black dress,” quintessential staple of any woman’s wardrobe, isn’t as timeless as most people think.
On Sunday it was reported that Edward Snowden, the whistleblower and former National Security Agency contractor, would seek asylum in Ecuador.
One of America's most intriguing cold cases heated up this week when a tip from a retired mobster sent FBI and Michigan law enforcement officials wielding shovels and bulldozers to a suburban Detroit field in search of the decades-old remains of former Te
It's not only because they have huge lungs.
Kilroy can be found all over the world, and went viral long before social media or the Internet were around.
When I saw the Caribbean Sea in person for the first time, my eyes metaphorically popped out of my head. As a kid who grew up in South Jersey, I was used to the dirty, almost brown, kinda-sorta blue color of the coastal Atlantic Ocean. But this was differ
Encores have become concert standard issue. Artists pencil in a big hit or two at the back end of their set list, walk off stage, wait for fans to shout for the encore, act surprised, play aforementioned hit songs in all their encore glory, rinse, repeat.
Unfortunately, the first athlete to playfully slap a teammate on the butt didn’t record his reasoning for history, but it’s become common practice among professionals and amateurs alike, and many have their own take on it.
Ethylene glycol is syrupy, odorless, and sweet-tasting, which makes it easy to mix into coffee, tea, soda, and juice drinks undetected.
This long-lived myth actually has its roots in Hollywood trickery.
Despite the fact that this particular facial hair style had been around since at least 100 BC (one of the earliest known depictions is a mosaic of Alexander the Great), sideburns were named after a specific man in the late 19th century.
Depending on who you ask, ingested creepy crawlies can vary from three, to eight, and even zero.
Last year, we talked about whether or not Grandma is right when she tells you to bundle up when you go outside, lest you catch a cold. We went over the fact that the cold and flu are caused by viruses, but that there was a little bit of evidence suggestin
It worked for Lance, so why wouldn’t it work for you?
Oklahoma City holds the dubious distinction of being the unofficial Tornado Capital of the United States. The U.S. city and its suburbs have endured more tornados than any other city—100 since 1890, as far back as National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administ
Reader Bruce wrote in to ask, “When there is a heavy rain, worms climb out on the pavement, only to die when the rain stops. Why do worms commit suicide?”
What is it that makes a “midnight snack” so irresistible? Short answer: blame your ancestors.
Luckily for us, our bodies have procedures to counter the sun our bodies absorb.
After making the butler the culprit in her book, Rinehart would later be almost killed by one of her own servants who wanted to be promoted to her butler.