Are Cats and Dogs Right or Left Handed, Too?
According to two studies, the answer is yes: Just like humans are usually right- or left-handed, cats and dogs are typically right pawed or left pawed.
According to two studies, the answer is yes: Just like humans are usually right- or left-handed, cats and dogs are typically right pawed or left pawed.
Reader Aly, returning from a trip, asks, “What does the TSA do with all those confiscated items? Mostly, they confiscated my shampoo and I want it back, but I am also curious.”
You’d think that if you lived on a small cul-de-sac with only four houses, it would be simple: The house numbers would simply be one, two, three and four. But Government is not about “simple.”
A couple of months into their development, fetuses begin peeing freely into the amniotic fluid that surrounds them in the womb.
Ever wonder how the number “101” came to describe the basic or introductory level of any and everything?
Because your body’s internal clock is just as good, if not better, than the contraption shrieking atop your nightstand.
If you’ve ever shakily stepped onto the ice at your local skating rink, you are intimately familiar with the fear of falling on slippery ice. But what makes ice so slippery in the first place? Interestingly enough, scientists are still trying to figure th
It happened to me just this morning, when I was fiddling with my closet doors, trying to get them back on their tracks so they would slide correctly. As one door fell off and slammed into the other, my response was automatic. “Aye yai yai, these doors!”
There are two questions that have haunted wannabe astronomers for decades: “Why is our galaxy called the Milky Way?” and “Does it have anything to do with the delicious candy bar?”
Neither rain, nor sleet, nor gloom of night will keep the post office from delivering the mail. And neither will chicken scratch.
For some time now, we have known the basic outline of the story of “dude.” The word was first used in the late 1800s as a term of mockery for young men who were overly concerned with keeping up with the latest fashions.
If you’ve ever seen a cat wiggling around in its sleep, or come across three different-sized beds after eating porridge in a bear family’s inexplicably furnished home, you’ve probably wondered if animals are capable of dreaming.
Dried prunes can be juiced by steaming or simmering them to rehydrate them, running them through a strainer to remove the pits, seeds and skin, and then adding more water to the resulting paste.
It’s rare to see a single pitch thrown without at least one emptied shell being orally expelled by someone. But when did players start taking them out to the ballgame?
Some argue that standing to pee helps spread disease and ruins men's sex lives. Is that actually true?
“Stand beside her, and guide her,” we sing in “God Bless America.” Come to think of it, most nations of the world are referred to in the female gender. Why is that?
The Dilemma: You're at a football game and there's a large, cigar-shaped object hovering suspiciously close to you. Question: Is it a blimp or a zeppelin? And more important, why didn't you get better seats?
According the Oxford English Dictionary, if you “turn the tables” on someone, it is generally understood that you have reversed the fortunes in your favor to some capacity, so as to “reverse one’s position relative to someone else, especially by turning a
Short answer: Because food companies have designed it to be that way.
Astronauts can use the microphone in their helmet, or sometimes they attach patches of velcro to the inside of their helmets, so they can scratch their nose.
The question of whether you should put one or two spaces after the period at the end of a sentence elicits strong reactions on both sides.