Does Your Vote Count if You Write in a Joke Candidate?
What happens if you write in Kermit the Frog for president? Well, not only won't he get elected, but you'll probably just make everyone's job a little harder.
What happens if you write in Kermit the Frog for president? Well, not only won't he get elected, but you'll probably just make everyone's job a little harder.
Not all plugs are created equal. Plugs and sockers differ from region to region, sometimes even from country to country.
This week, President Obama announced plans to "normalize relations between" the United States and Cuba. What does this mean for the cigars?
Mignon Fogarty is the founder of Quick and Dirty Tips and is known for her Grammar Girl website, podcast, and games.
Are you bilingual, trilingual, or multilingual? A polyglot or hyperpolyglot?
For children of a certain age, there are few things more amazing than blowing out a birthday candle only to have it relight—as if by magic!—soon after the flame has been extinguished.
The lives and livelihoods of these birds revolve around slamming their heads into things. Does it hurt them? Do they benefit from doing so?
What does it really mean when the weatherman says it feels like minus-20 today? Is there a wind chill thermometer somewhere, or is he just using a mathematical formula? Let's answer these and some of the other pressing questions about the ubiquitous winte