What Is the Difference Between a King and an Emperor?
A regal answer from our friends at Quora.
Scientists say the discomfort of being bored drives us to seek out dopamine-stimulating sweet or fatty foods.
Do they print up jerseys for every possible scenario and send the extras to El Salvador?
The scientific reason behind those peculiar mouth contortions.
What stopped no-good varmints from crawling underneath the doors?
It seems like the more we need air, the more we have to remind ourselves to get it.
As Washington, D.C. residents already know, it's because of an important holiday.
It dates back to the 13th century, and may have been a dirty court game.
Na-na-na-na-na-na-na-na-na...doubt it!
Science is a little stumped by this one.
Much like sandwiches and afternoon tea, Wellingtons are a still-practical mainstay that we can thank the British aristocracy for.
Hint: The confectionaries are both made with melted sugar, but they use different ingredients.
The technical term is "pseudocide."
It’s hard to imagine attending the latest blockbuster without a jumbo bucket of excessively buttery, salty popped corn.
An age-old question to keep you grounded.
Thanks to MTV, we all know what Spring Break is about: Bikinis, debauchery, plenty of alcohol, and collegiates flocking to beaches en mass to work on their tans and run amok. Where did this tradition start?
This random filler text isn't so random after all.