How Long Does Something Have to Be In the Ground Before It's Considered a Fossil?
It depends on who you ask.
It's not as simple as whipping out a really big tape measure.
The mechanics of car locks are more complicated than you might think.
There's a very real reason why your grandmother’s chicken soup makes you feel better when you're sick.
First, let's define "steep" ...
If you have no idea what we're talking about, go brush your teeth and chug some orange juice.
If you don't rinse your produce, it's time to start.
The truth behind the trope.
You might want to think twice before trying it.
Diners were the original pop-up stores.
Some went to prison. Others went into business.
Clapping is a nearly subconscious act—but when and why did we start standing up to do it?
A space lawyer offers his opinion.
The debate rages on.
On the final day of the typical office workweek, many employers give their workers the opportunity to dress down and loosen the rules on the standard dress code.
Not all cats love it.
It's a bit of a catch-22.
It's a marvel of poop-related engineering.
Today, people around the globe will feel uneasy about getting out of bed, leaving their homes, or going about their normal daily routines, all because of a superstition.