Depressing New Research Finds There May Be No 'Safe' Level of Alcohol Use
A global analysis of 28 million people found that alcohol in any amount isn't good for you.
A global analysis of 28 million people found that alcohol in any amount isn't good for you.
Enjoy a Pickle Rick Back at the Wubba Lubba Dub PUB.
The popular fruit-flavored beverage won over millions of consumers with its idiosyncratic advertising in the '90s. Then Howard Stern happened.
It's about time.
Mexico’s patron spirit is good for more than just one hell of a hangover.
Sugar-laden drinks are off the table thanks to a new city ordinance.
Squeeze with caution.
Dealers of illicit straws could be fined $250.
The company's Tab Clear wasn't supposed to compete with Crystal Pepsi in 1993. It was supposed to destroy them both.
Greens and caffeine. Yummy.
Whale, whale, look what we have here.
An old German law almost killed it, but now gruit ale is getting the attention it deserves.
May 25, 2019 is National Wine Day. Even if you know your rioja from your Côtes du Rhône, here are a few wine facts that might be surprising. Happy drinking!
You're a quick chemistry lesson away from a better brew.
Here today, gone tomato.
The gin-based drink is a reimagining of Vietnam's famous noodle dish.
Every year, suds lovers celebrate International Beer Day on August 7—which makes it the pefect day to share any one of these amazing facts about beer.
7-Eleven sells more than 14 million Slurpees each month, but adults used to be so ashamed to be seen drinking one that they'd disguise it as a Big Gulp.
The American Heart Association is totally killing your Big Gulp buzz.
"I maintain that one strong cup of tea is better than twenty weak ones."
From anti-aging treatments to home décor, wine and old wine bottles can come in handy in nearly every part of life.