20 Delightful Idioms From Around the World
Idioms like Mandarin’s ‘take your pants off to fart’ make no sense to English speakers—at least, not English speaker who haven’t read this list.
Idioms like Mandarin’s ‘take your pants off to fart’ make no sense to English speakers—at least, not English speaker who haven’t read this list.
Smokey Bear’s first ad slogan wasn’t quite as catchy as “Only YOU can prevent forest fires.”
Genetics, seasonal changes, and Earth's magnetic field all play a role.
Some of these animals are rugged mountaineers, some have spots instead of stripes, and some of them bark like dogs. And if you want to tell the zebra species apart, look at their rumps.
Both develop from caterpillars and both have impressive wings, but if you know what to look for, it's easy to tell moths and butterflies apart.
We’re covering practical tips (like the scent that will alert you to an impending electrical fire) to decidedly stranger ones (how to get out of a kangaroo attack) in the latest episode of The List Show.
The tiny island of Alicudi has six goats for every person.
You won't confuse a moth and a butterfly or an alligator and a crocodile again.
Birds are a noisy bunch, and there's a lot of variation when it comes to avian vocalizations.
From Reynard to Robin Hood, these fictional foxes all left a lasting impression.
From the “dark politicks” of cuttlefish to the “prodigious bigness” of snakes, here are 10 accounts of the first times explorers encountered new animals, foods, and more.
The origins are often more complicated (and fun) than you’d expect.
We trace the history of popular dog breeds like golden retrievers, German shepherds, French bulldogs, and more.
Cats love to lurk around tubs like feline voyeurs. What causes this behavior?
Humans will gaze in awe at the sun during the Great North American total solar eclipse on April 8, 2024, but for your pets, it will be just a normal day.
Opening a piece of unclaimed baggage could mean finding some shoes, or it could mean finding live snakes.
Not everyone believes that meteor goldfish are even real. But Chicken Nugget and Tater Tot are giving hope.
Porcupines might be considered a prickly bunch, but you’ll find they're pretty docile once you get to know them.
Manatees are aquatic animals that live in coastal waters in several places throughout the world.
Though they’re technically the same animal, there’s an important difference between pigs and hogs. Boars are a different story altogether.
Your scruffy shelter tabby is every bit as beautiful as these pedigreed cats.
This can't be the only hedgehog-hat mix-up in history.
The best way to relocate beavers in the 1940s? Drop them out of planes, of course.
Some of them swim sideways.