How Thomas Jefferson's Obsession With Mastodons Partly Fueled the Lewis and Clark Expedition
Thomas Jefferson thought mastodons might still be lurking somewhere out West—and he was determined to find them.
Thomas Jefferson thought mastodons might still be lurking somewhere out West—and he was determined to find them.
According to Beaux and Paws founder Darius Brown, it’s hard to resist adopting a shelter dog wearing a bow tie.
Roadrunners—the iconic birds of the American Southwest—are brave enough to feast on rattlesnakes and outsmart coyotes (really, we're not kidding).
Photographs show the struggle between the olive python and the freshwater crocodile—two of Australia's most impressive reptilian predators.
The tunnel reduced the turtle mortality rate by 85 percent in its first year, and has also become a popular highway for other small animals.
Australia’s Anglesea Golf Club lets you play golf with—or at least, around—its 300-strong population of eastern grey kangaroos.
With its massive beak and penetrating stare, a shoebill stork is not a bird you'd want to meet in a dark alley. Read on for some little-known facts about this African icon.
The video of the breaching whale was captured off Gloucester, Massachusetts—one of the best whale-watching locations on Earth.
The dynamics in The Lion King closely reflect how real lions live in the wild, except for one detail—Mufasa and Scar wouldn't have been related by blood.
The grounds of 907 Whitehead Street, now the Ernest Hemingway Home and Museum, are home to between 40 and 50 felines. As Hemingway once wrote, that “one cat just leads to another.”
It's a myth that these venomous vipers will always shake its rattle before attacking, but a rattlesnake bite still packs a punch.
Save the sheep! A 19th-century dike serving as a vital location for a rare breed of sheep is looking for a warden.
Feral chicken flocks are crowing at dawn, chasing joggers, and trampling local gardens on Jersey, a UK Channel Island.
Jeff Weakley was attacked by a shark in 1994. Now, a tooth embedded in his foot has revealed the shark's species.
Entering a vulnerable position may seem like the worse way to get out of an emergency, but "playing dead" can be life-saving for some animals.
Even when two-thirds of their bodies are composed of fungal spores, the host cicadas continue to attempt mating in a drugged-out stupor.
As much as some Potterheads may wish they could have some of the animals from Harry Potter, whether it be a half-kneazle or a hippogriff, realistically, most of those creatures have to remain in the world of fantasy.
Its been just over 60 years since we discovered the species—and now there may be less than 20 of them left in the world.
Tigers are famous for their stripes, but did you know that no tiger stripe is the same? Every tiger has a unique set of stripes that can be used to identify it, similar to human fingerprints.
Don’t toss your old bras! Animal rescue groups can use them to mend the cracked shells of injured turtles.
Many grain-free dog food brands billed as healthier options have been linked to a rise in heart disease cases among dogs in recent years.
Scientists usually study male lab rats because they believe that females’ hormonal changes would skew results, but there’s more to the story.
The number of fats cats and plus-sized dogs is on the rise. A new report from a veterinary group warns that chronic health conditions can be the result.
Central Park in New York City is home to thousands of Eastern gray squirrels. Last year, a team of 300 volunteers counted them all.