Hunters, Dancers, and Busybodies: New Study Examines the Three Main Internet Research Styles
Your online research method may say something about you.
Your online research method may say something about you.
Christmas has been canceled a fair number of times throughout history.
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As with many words, we have Latin to thank.
He got the idea from a story his wife told him while they were visiting her parents: “I joked, ‘This would be good for a novel. I am going to write a novel based on this.’ ”
All five answers to the questions below have something in common. Can you figure it out?
The Hallmark Channel’s annual Countdown to Christmas kicks off every October. But the channel's reputation for producing feel-good holiday films began years before the annual event.
The ship’s pilot helped his family reach freedom, then served in the Civil War and in the U.S. Congress. Robert Smalls’s statue will be the first to honor an individual Black citizen on South Carolina State House grounds.
We all have our favorite Thanksgiving side dishes, but do other U.S. residents feel the same about them?
Within the last 200 years, we’ve discovered about two dozen species of hominins in Europe, Africa, and Asia—which you can see laid out in this map.
Researchers just described one of the tiniest frogs known to science.
The imposing clocks have an origin story, but it doesn't have much to do with any actual grandfathers.
Each of these ancient fossils, even if just a small part of a skeleton, represents an identifiable character in the story of humankind.
Researchers recently found that polar bears are facing higher exposure to certain bacteria and viruses.
Americans get an average of only 11 vacation days per year. Use them wisely.
This common phrase is often used during times of political uncertainty, and has even been described as an ancient Chinese curse. History says otherwise, though.
If you have an old toothbrush lying around, you never have to stress over threading a needle again.
Save some time and energy with Butterball’s new “cook from frozen” turkey.
Are all these new slang terms confusing you? Don’t worry, we’ve got you covered.
This riddle dates back to 1598—can you figure out the answer?
“Fido” is a name that has become synonymous with all things dog. But where did the name come from?
She spoke multiple languages, defeated Spain’s powerful navy, and never accepted a marriage proposal. Discover more fascinating facts about Queen Elizabeth I and her reign.
Anesthesia is a complex mixture of medications that lessen pain during procedures. Different types affect the body in different ways.
Some state name origins are obvious—but others pose an etymological mystery.