Do Smarter People Drink More? What 5 Studies Say
As far as the science goes, the jury's still out. You're going to have to find your rationalizations elsewhere.
As far as the science goes, the jury's still out. You're going to have to find your rationalizations elsewhere.
In honor of National Mojito Day, kick back with these facts about the beloved cocktail—as you sip one, of course.
Would you drink beer brewed with bull testicles or beard yeast?
The Driver Alcohol Detection System for Safety was developed by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration.
Chimps not only love wine, they fashion their own goblets out of leaves to drink it. No amateurs here.
The stories behind how 15 domestic breweries got their names.
Why Buckfast Abbey's tonic wine is being targeted by Scottish lawmakers
Alcohol can make people do ridiculous things—and we’re not just talking about regrettable tabletop dances.
Ever wonder how some of Scotland's most famous distilleries got their names? Pour yourself a dram and learn about the origins of your favorite whisky.
Looking for an Independence Day tipple that says "No hard feelings about that revolution business" to our British chums? Grab the star of the colonial British medicine cabinet!
Humanity has been enjoying beer for a really long time, as these still-running establishments can attest.
With a few choice facts about champagne, you can look knowledgeable rather than just tipsy when you drain your flute.
Some of the simplest flavor combinations can be combined for a whole new effect.