Can You Solve This Old-Timey Riddle? #8

This riddle from the book ‘Wit Newly Revived’ dates back to the 18th century—can you figure it out?
Can you figure it out?
Can you figure it out? | MirageC/Moment/Getty Images

Wit Newly Revived was an 18th-century collection of rhyming riddles and puzzles published (according to its fairly lengthy subtitle) “For the trial of wit, and diversion of persons of either sex, to create mirth and merriment.”

The book contained dozens of brief brainteasers and posers, most in the form of short verses and couplets. It’s fair to say some of the answers to the brainteasers are a little more complex than the others, though—so while the answer to one riddle is just “a cow,” another is “An old Woman that whip’t her Cat for catching of two Mice on Monday, it being the old Woman’s Wedding day.” Thankfully the riddle you have to solve below is at the simpler and more straightforward end of Wit’s difficulty scale. Can you figure it out?

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