Can You Solve This Old-Timey Riddle? #18

This riddle dates back to the 1860s—can you figure out the answer?
Can you figure it out?
Can you figure it out? | MirageC/Moment/Getty Images

Proving just how popular riddles and puzzles were as Christmas entertainments over a century ago, in 1864 a vast 100-page compendium of “charades, enigmas, rebuses, anagrams, labyrinths, acrostics, etc.” was published in New York, under the decidedly festive title of Santa Claus’ Book of Games of Puzzles. And, showing just how keen publishers were to cash in on the festive season, the book was a complete rehash of another book, Aunt Sue’s Budget of Puzzles, which had been published five years earlier.

Whichever title you prefer, both contained some decidedly tricky mathematical and logic-thinking puzzles, requiring more than a little mental gymnastics to figure out. The puzzle below certainly falls into that category. Can you solve it?

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