Can You Put the Most Popular Baby Names of 2023 in the Correct Order?

Let’s sort these babies out.
Gary S Chapman/Photodisc/Getty Images (baby), ahmad agung wijayanto/Shutterstock (question marks)

What’s in a name? If you’re a parent, a lot of stress. Naming a baby can be fraught with anxiety, which is why many people follow popular naming trends. And while some names are evergreen—we’ll probably always know a James, Robert, or Mary—others are a product of their time. It’s doubtful you know anyone named Melvin, one of the top 50 boy names of 1923.

See if you can organize these current baby names in the correct order of popularity:

Naturally, parents are free to abandon trends and opt for more unique names—but not always. In New Jersey, it’s not permissible to use profanity or numerals when naming an infant. In Sweden, no babies can be christened IKEA, lest parents violate the country’s stringent naming standards. And in Sonora, Mexico, one child named Robocop was enough for officials, who quickly banned it.

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