Can You Choose the Correct Version of these Commonly Misspelled Words?

Put your spelling skills to the test with this quiz.
How well do you spell?
How well do you spell? | Peter Dazeley/The Image Bank/Getty Images (soup), ahmad agung wijayanto/Shutterstock (question marks)

Whether you’re committing them or observing them, spelling errors are a fact of life. A number of people struggle with embarrass, for example, failing to double up on the r. The double-letter flaw can also strike people when jotting down bizarre—they might add an extra z—or when they seem to have a major dilemma trying to spell dilemma.

But even elite spellers can still see that dreaded red line underscore their text or term paper. Check out some commonly-misspelled words and whether or not you can identify their proper spelling in the quiz below.

If you fail to ace the test, not to worry: You’re in good company. A number of highly-regarded authors and historical figures were lousy with spelling. Jane Austen once authored Love and Freindship; Andrew Jackson scribbled Urope. Even Ernest Hemingway couldn’t quite muster the proper spelling of loving, writing loveing instead. When an editor would point out the error, Hemingway was thought to have retorted, "Well, that’s what you’re hired to correct!"

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