For some outdoor enthusiasts, trekking into the wilderness is just an excuse to get cozy around a campfire. After setting up the camping chairs and assembling the s’mores kit, campers need something warm to snuggle up with. This poncho from the outdoor gear brand Therm-A-Rest fits the bill.
The Honcho Poncho combines weatherproof outerwear with a camping blanket. The insulation is made from hollow, synthetic fibers, keeping it light and waterproof without compromising warmth. The breathable shell protects the wearer from wind and rain, which makes it the perfect garment for riding out unexpected showers. And on chilly nights, the kangaroo-style front pocket keeps hands toasty.
![Two women wearing Therm-A-Rest Honcho Poncho outdoors with dog. Two women wearing Therm-A-Rest Honcho Poncho outdoors with dog.](,x_0,y_0,w_1023,h_682/c_fill,w_16,ar_16:9,f_auto,q_auto,g_auto/images/voltaxMediaLibrary/mmsport/mentalfloss/01ghepavknc1h9q7n482.jpg)
Campers may be hesitant to make room for such a specialized item in their pack, but the Honcho Poncho is as practical as it is comfortable. After using it around the campfire, you can bring the wearable blanket into your tent for extra insulation. Combined with Therm-A-Rest’s NeoAir Xlite sleeping pad (from $180) and Questar mummy sleeping bag (from $323), the poncho could make for a good night’s rest, even in less-than-ideal camping weather.
The Honcho Poncho is also compact: It folds neatly into the front kangaroo pocket, making it a convenient option for backpackers looking to save space. And if you’re more likely to relax around the fire pit in your backyard or around the grill while tailgating, the product works just as well.
The Honcho Poncho is available on Amazon and the Therm-A-Rest site in a variety of colors, with prices starting at $90. After ordering yours, be sure to check out these other brilliant gifts for campers.