The Sweet Hereafter Honey, Made in a Brooklyn Cemetery, Is Here to Spice Up Your Tea

The sweet side of death.
The sweet side of death. | Ben Monk/DigitalVision via Getty Images

If you like serving up food with a story behind it, The Sweet Hereafter honey is up your alley. The treat is made from honeybees residing in Brooklyn’s Green-Wood Cemetery.

According to Food & Wine, Green-Wood employs a beekeeper, Davin Larson, to harvest honey each fall from the seven beehives kept on the premises near a willow tree. (The bees, Larson said, are docile and not apt to bother visitors.)

Green-Wood’s motivation is to assist in honeybee conservation: Profits earned from the sale of the honey are put back in to subsidize the bees’ upkeep. But it’s also bringing attention to the cemetery, which in turn brings attention to how important bees are to the ecosystem.

The cemetery, which was founded in 1838, is home to 570,000 plots across 478 acres. Families seem supportive of the honey trade, which produces about 200 pounds in the fall. Green-Wood also accepts donations to support hives, with donors receiving up to 10 jars of honey. They’re currently sold out, though individual jars should be on sale soon.

So how does it taste? According to Larson, minty. “Linden trees are the most prolific flowering plant in New York City in terms of nectar, so pretty much any honey from New York City is going to taste a little minty,” he said.

[h/t Food & Wine]