Want to Tour Iceland? This Yogurt Company Will Pay You Up to $50,000

What a terrible view.
What a terrible view. | Marco Bottigelli/Moment via Getty Images

If you’ve ever considered visiting beautiful Iceland, a yogurt company’s promotional efforts may be just the thing for you. siggi’s is looking for an Icelandic tourist, and they’ll pay up to $50,000 if you want to bundle up.

According to Food & Wine, the yogurt brand is taking applications for a freelancer who is willing and able to travel the country, taking pictures, videos, and indulging in local cuisine. The aim is to report on the country’s embracing of a four-day work week and the benefits of a simpler lifestyle. The company will be able to connect the worker with restaurant and hiking guides, among others, to help them explore Iceland to its fullest.

siggi’s (lowercase ‘S’ theirs) was founded in 2005 by Siggi Hilmarsson, who uses a traditional Icelandic recipe for a high-protein, lower-sugar yogurt known as “skyr.”

One qualified applicant will be selected from submissions and paid up to $50,000. It’s likely siggi’s will request the freelancer stay in Iceland for at least one month, with an option of staying up to six months. You can apply on their website.

[h/t Food & Wine]