This Popular New Girl Scout Cookie Is Reselling for $100 on eBay

The new Girl Scout cookie Raspberry Rally has become hard to find outside third-party resellers.
The new Girl Scout cookie Raspberry Rally has become hard to find outside third-party resellers. | The Girl Scouts of the USA

Girl Scout cookie flavors come and go, but occasionally the organization debuts a new product that rivals the classics. Recently, it’s been Raspberry Rally—a raspberry-flavored take on the classic Thin Mint that debuted last year. The new variety is so popular this year that boxes have been reselling for more than $100 on eBay, Today reports.

As the 2023 Girl Scout cookie season nears its end, the new Raspberry Rally cookies have become hard to find. It’s the first flavor sold exclusively online, and troops have struggled to keep up with the demand. The popularity of the chocolate-dipped raspberry biscuits, combined with ongoing food supply shortages around the world, means they likely won’t be back in stock in many markets until next year.

Some desperate buyers have been turning to third-party retailers to find them. On eBay, boxes of Raspberry Rally are listed for several times their original $5 price. The steepest listings cost hundreds of dollar for one case.

It’s not unusual for limited-edition snacks to appear on eBay, but unlike Oreos, Girl Scout cookie sales primarily support charity. In a statement to Today, the Girl Scouts of the U.S.A. said the unauthorized resales go against the spirit of the program.

“While we are happy that there’s such a strong demand for our cookies year-over-year, we’re saddened that the platforms and the sellers are disregarding the core mission of the cookie program and are looking to make a profit off of the name without supporting our mission and the largest girl-led entrepreneurship program in the world,” a spokesperson for the organization said. “When cookies are purchased through an unauthorized third-party seller, Girl Scout troops are deprived of valuable experience and, more importantly, proceeds that fund critical programming throughout the year.”

In addition to spending money that would otherwise fund the Girls Scouts, the buyers of second-hand boxes may end up with an inferior product. The cookies you buy from your local troop are high-quality, while there’s no way to guarantee the resold version isn’t expired or tampered with before it arrives.

If you want to buy Raspberry Rally cookies straight from the source, you may have to wait until 2024. In the meantime, there are plenty of Girl Scout cookie flavors still available from legitimate sources online—including a troop of New York City girls living in homeless shelters.

[h/t Today]