Can You Spot the Spooky Jack-o’-Lanterns Hiding in the Haunted House?

Scroll down for larger versions of the puzzles.
Scroll down for larger versions of the puzzles. | Online Mortgage Advisor

Anyone who goes to the trouble of carving a pumpkin likely does so with the intention of displaying it on a front stoop or in some other prominent spot. 

But the jack-o’-lanterns in the images below are hidden inside the house—one in the kitchen and another in the bedroom—and it’s up to you to draw them out. After you’ve ID’d the two grinning gourds (or given up), scroll on to reveal the answers.

Spot the Jack-o'-Lanterns

halloween hidden object puzzle with pumpkin and ghosts
Would you eat these baked goods? | Online Mortgage Advisor
spot the pumpkin hidden object game
Some of these ghosts are not excited about their new roommates. | Online Mortgage Advisor

The puzzles were created by Online Mortgage Advisor, a UK-based service that matches people with mortgage brokers. It doesn’t take a paranormal investigator to tell you that this house is haunted, as it’s very clearly overrun with ghosts—whose emotions regarding new (living) residents appear to run the gamut from elated to distraught.

Were the specters responsible for welcoming guests with the fresh pies and other pastries suspended in the kitchen, or did the chef’s hat–clad rats do the bulk of the baking? Does this scene take place in the Ratatouille universe? Are the ghosts making everything float, or does the house itself possess anti-gravitational powers? Unfortunately, the answer key doesn’t address these questions, so you’ll just have to accept the existence of unexplained phenomena in the world.

Queries related to pumpkin carving are easier to tackle, from when’s the best time to do it to why we do it in the first place. Want to make your jack-o’-lantern look as sharp as those below? Here are some carving tips from experts.

Answer Key

hidden object spot-the-pumpkin game
Something's off with those bread rolls. | Online Mortgage Advisor
hidden object spot-the-pumpkin game
Devilish gourd. | Online Mortgage Advisor

[h/t Online Mortgage Advisor]