How to Track Down Ice Cream Trucks Near You

You don’t have to wait to hear the Mister Softee jingle to track down the nearest ice cream truck. With the right online tools, you can see the location of your neighborhood ice cream truck in real time.
Do you know where your local ice cream truck is?
Do you know where your local ice cream truck is? | Victor Fraile Rodriguez/GettyImages

When a craving for soft serve hits on a summer afternoon, it’s hard to ignore it. Unfortunately, tracking down an ice cream truck isn’t as convenient as scouting the frozen section of your local grocery store. If you don’t feel like walking for hours listening for the Mister Softee jingle, these online tools can help you locate the nearest ice cream truck in your neighborhood.

Customers who are loyal to Mister Softee can keep tabs on their favorite ice cream truck by downloading the official app. After selecting your city, the live map shows you where to find Mister Softee trucks in your area. You can also peruse a specific truck’s menu of frozen treats online before heading to its current location. 

If you live outside of Mister Softee’s range, you can check to see if your local ice cream truck company has a similar app. The Ice Cream Truck—which is active in Victoria, Edmonton, and Calgary in Canada—has an interactive map on its website showing where its trucks are parked at any given time. You can also follow your favorite trucks on social media and check for live location updates throughout the summer.

Even with digital tools at your disposal, you may still struggle to find ice cream bars on the go depending on where you live. Last summer many ice cream trucks limited their business—or stayed off the road altogether—due to inflation, high gas prices, and supply chain issues. That trend may ripple into this summer and beyond. If you’re seeing its effects, here are some brick-and-mortar ice cream shops to try as a backup.