11 Gifts For Animal Lovers Who Can’t Have Pets

These gifts bring some of the joys of pet ownership, without all the excess fur.
They’re just as adorable as a real pet.
They’re just as adorable as a real pet. | JOY FOR ALL/Amazon (tabby cat); Uncommon Goods (dog planter); Justin Dodd/Mental Floss (background)
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Not every animal lover can welcome a furry family member into their home. Allergies, apartment restrictions, and lifestyle limitations can all make having a pet difficult or outright impossible. In addition to donating to a local shelter or rescue organization in their name, these fun gifts for cat lovers, dog lovers, and more will add some joy to your loved one’s life this holiday season. 

1. JOY FOR ALL Orange Tabby Cat; $125

JOY FOR ALL Orange Tabby Cat
JOY FOR ALL Orange Tabby Cat | JOY FOR ALL/Amazon

This soft tabby looks like an actual cat, but won’t shed all over an apartment or scratch the furniture. It purrs and meows, and can blink and move its body—it’ll even roll over to show its fluffy belly (and unlike a real cat, it won’t smack your giftee when they go to rub it). The interactive companion was originally designed to help comfort elderly animal lovers, but it would make a great gift for any cat person; the company also makes a dog version.

Buy it: Amazon

2. Tamagotchi Original; $20

Tamagotchi Original - Candy Swirl
Tamagotchi Original - Candy Swirl | Tamagotchi/Amazon

Tamagotchis have prepared people for the responsibilities of pet ownership since the ‘90s. Kids (and their parents) worked tirelessly to keep their pocket-sized pals fed, exercised, and clean to prevent them from perishing. If your giftee craves the work of caring for a pet but can’t have a live animal in their home, a Tamagotchi is bound to keep them busy.

Buy it: Amazon

3. Watercolor Dog Breeds Types of Dogs Poster Prints; $12

Watercolor Dog Breeds Poster
Watercolor Dog Breeds Poster | AEHIE/Amazon

Your giftee may not be able to have a dog, but they can still showcase their love of the animals. These watercolor posters feature a range of breeds, and would make a great addition to any dog-themed decor.

Buy it: Amazon

4. 1 Liter Rubber Hot Water Bottle with Soft Plush Fleece Cover; $16

1 Liter Rubber Hot Water Bottle with Soft Plush Fleece Cover
1 Liter Rubber Hot Water Bottle with Soft Plush Fleece Cover | ZGMYC/Amazon

There’s nothing better than curling up on the couch with a warm cat snuggled on your lap. Cat-less cat lovers can attempt to recreate that feeling with this heated water bottle, which includes a feline-themed fleece cover. It’s admittedly not as cute or cuddly as a real cat, but at least it won’t dig its claws into their flesh while making biscuits on their lap.

Buy it: Amazon

5. Thoroughbred Equestrian Candle (4oz); $28

Thoroughbred Equestrian Candle
Thoroughbred Equestrian Candle | Dio Candle Company/Amazon

This handmade soy candle will bring the scent of the barn right into your horse-loving giftee’s home. Once they light it, they’ll be surrounded by notes of leather, hay, and carrots. It’s reminiscent of the smells associated with a day spent around horses—without all the mud and manure.

Buy it: Amazon

6. Playlearn Fake Fish Tank Mini Aquarium; $30

Playlearn Fake Fish Tank Mini Aquarium
Playlearn Fake Fish Tank Mini Aquarium | Playlearn USA/Amazon

There’s a reason many healthcare offices have fish tanks. Watching the little creatures swim around is known to be relaxing. Your favorite fish fan may not be able to have a humble goldfish, but they can at least zone out while watching this artificial aquatic scene.

Buy it: Amazon

7. Gray Stick Hobby Horse; $129

Gray Stick Hobby Horse
Gray Stick Hobby Horse | Horse Related Gifts/Amazon

Horses are expensive, time-consuming pets that require a lot of space. Hobby horses, on the other hand, don’t need their stalls mucked daily, won’t rack up hefty vet and farrier bills, and can be easily tucked into the corner of a small room or closet (no pasture required). The wannabe equestrian in your life can trot around their apartment on this dapple gray stick steed as much as they want—who knows, maybe they’ll get good enough to compete.

Buy it: Amazon

8. Dog Barking Alarm Motion Detector; $35

Dog Barking Alarm Motion Detector
Dog Barking Alarm Motion Detector | S SELDORAUK/Amazon

Dogs aren’t just playful companions: They can also help people feel safe. This alarm has the bark of a guard dog without the bite. Once the motion detector is set off, it’ll start barking to let your giftee know when someone is outside.

Buy it: Amazon

9. Coconut Fiber Dog Planter; $60–$65

Coconut Fiber Dog Planter
Coconut Fiber Dog Planter | Uncommon Goods

Aspiring pet parents may have to settle for being plant parents. These adorable, sustainable dog planters are made of coconut fiber and look like a variety of breeds, including pugs, French bulldogs, and poodles. A bonus to having plants in a pet-less house: Your giftee won’t have to worry about accidentally filling the planter with flora that’s toxic to cats or dogs.

Buy it: Uncommon Goods

10. Bake Me A Cat - 50 Kitty Shaped Recipes; $23

Bake Me A Cat - 50 Kitty Shaped Recipes
Bake Me A Cat - 50 Kitty Shaped Recipes | Uncommon Goods

Here’s one for cat lovers with a sweet tooth. This cookbook by The Great British Bake Off contestant Kim-Joy is a delightful collection of feline-themed treats, from sweet “meowringues” to savory “fo-cat-ccia.” The medley of recipes can cater to both amateurs and experienced chefs (or, as Kim-Joy puts it, people whose kitchen skills range from “kitten mode to boss cat”).

Buy it: Uncommon Goods

11. Window Bird Feeder with Strong Suction Cups; $27

Window Bird Feeder with Strong Suction Cups
Window Bird Feeder with Strong Suction Cups | Nature's Hangout/Amazon

Just because your giftee can’t have animals in their home doesn’t mean they can’t attract them to it. They can even channel their inner cat and stalk this window bird feeder all day, waiting to see which winged creatures will stop by for a snack.

Buy it: Amazon