Bizarre Wax Statues of Prince William and Kate Middleton Stun, Repulse Fans Online and in Poland

Krakow Wax Museum - So Bad, It's Good
Krakow Wax Museum - So Bad, It's Good | Alan W

Statues are normally erected to honor their subjects with a permanent monument to their greatness. Usually, this works out, as in the Lincoln Memorial. Sometimes, it does not, as in the case of two very peculiar wax likenesses of Prince William and wife Kate Middleton now on graphic display in Poland.

According to Sky News, the duo appear as part of the exhibit at Kraków Wax Museum. The prince has been taking an online drubbing for his unusual expression, one in which he appears to be reluctantly opening his mouth for the dentist. Spouse Kate appears wan. Both appear to suffer from botched hair plugs. Their dire looks have led to speculation among commenters that the work was “done strictly from memory” or “to avoid copyright issues.”

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TikTok user Becka Blackburn is among those who shared footage of the museum display, which also features garish versions of Daniel Radcliffe (as Harry Potter), Shrek, and other members of the British royal family, including Queen Elizabeth II and Prince Philip.

Other statues and exhibits have received similar scorn over the years, including the first version of the Lucille Ball statue unveiled in Celeron, New York in 2009. It earned the nickname “Scary Lucy” before being replaced in 2016.

[h/t Sky News]