Pi Day (March 14) is a reason for math lovers to celebrate the famous symbol. The numerical form of the date, 3/14, is the first three digits of the mathematical constant pi (𝛑). This holiday is also the perfect excuse to bake. Searches for pie recipes skyrocket around this time of year, and the maps below show which simple and gourmet recipes were most popular per state.
Google Trends analyzed searches for “gourmet {flavor} pie” between February 2 and March 2, 2025, and “easy {flavor} pie” from February 1 through March 1, 2025 to compile their data. You can find the results for both below.
The Most Popular Easy Pie Recipes by State

According to Google Trends, people adore chicken pot pie. Twenty-one states are keen to bake it for Pi Day (or maybe just in February in general), with most people searching for recipes for the comforting dish in the Midwest and Southeast. Another savory dish—shepherd’s pie—also topped the search results in several states throughout the country. The hearty pie includes minced meat (typically lamb), gravy, vegetables, and potatoes in a buttery, flaky crust.
An unexpected pick, peanut butter pie, has captured the hearts of those in New Mexico, Maine, Montana, and Minnesota. Although it’s an overall American favorite, apple pie was most searched for in only three states: Virginia, West Virginia, and Oklahoma—perhaps because the fruit just isn’t in season this time of year.
The Most Popular Gourmet Pie Recipes by State

The preferred choice on the fancier side of the pie spectrum is pecan pie. Thirteen states, mostly in the West, prefer it over others. Although people searched for a gourmet version of the pie most, the recipe itself is pretty simple. Bakers usually only need butter, sugar, eggs, and pecans to make pecan pie filling. A gourmet version of shepherd’s pie also ties with pecan. Of course, no one could forget the classic pumpkin pie, which was the top result in Iowa, Michigan, West Virginia, Rhode Island, and Vermont.
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