Can You Match the U.S. President to Their Middle Name?

Pair the commander-in-chief with their delightful middle name.
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Of all the U.S. presidents, it’s likely that Franklin Delano Roosevelt has the most well-known middle name. A world leader during the Great Depression and World War II, Roosevelt often went by his full name; Delano was the maiden name of his mother, Sara Delano Roosevelt, who hailed from a wealthy mercantile family. FDR became shorthand for the only president to serve more than two terms.

But not all U.S. presidents opted to use their full name. See if you can match some of these lesser-known middle monikers to the commander-in-chief they belong to in the quiz below.

U.S. presidents have also had their share of nicknames. Thomas Jefferson was known as “Long Tom” thanks to his then-considerable height of 6 feet, 2.5 inches; Andrew Jackson was “Sharp Knife” or “Old Hickory” in a nod to his fighting abilities; and James Buchanan was “Ten-Cent Jimmy” after stating that workers should be content with a 10-cent daily wage.

FDR had one, too: The press once dubbed him “The Sphinx” because he remained coy about his plans to run for a third term in 1940.

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