Yes, You Should Be Washing Your Pet’s Toys—Here’s How

Whether your pet’s toys are plush, plastic, rope, or rubber, you should be washing them on a regular basis.
The bestest boy deserves the best toys.
The bestest boy deserves the best toys. | Uwe Krejci/GettyImages

Your pet’s most prized possession may be a biohazard. A 2011 study from the National Sanitation Foundation found that pet toys are among the top 10 dirtiest household items, potentially harboring yeast, mold, and coliform bacteria.

It’s important to wash these toys regularly not just for your own sake, but for the health of your furry friends as well. Here’s how you can do so safely.

According to May Tag, washing methods differ depending on the material. Many plush toys allow for machine washing unless it says otherwise on the care label. If the plush is machine-washable, all you need is a pet-safe laundry detergent to clean the item. Don’t skip this step, as regular soaps and detergents can be harmful to animals. Safe detergents are free from bleach, chlorine, sodium lauryl ether sulfate (SLES), phthalates, and artificial dyes. It doesn’t hurt to ask your veterinarian for product recommendations or to check product labels to see if a specific brand is safe. According to Anasazi Animal Clinic, well-known, pet-safe detergent brands include Dropps, Seventh Generation, and Common Good.

When you have everything you need, check the toy for tears so the stuffing doesn’t fall out. You’ll also want to remove any squeakers before throwing it in the washer. (If that’s not possible, you’ll have to wash the item by hand, which we go over below.) Place the toys in the machine, add the pet-safe detergent, and select the gentle or delicate cycle. Lastly, let the toys air dry or toss them in the dryer on low heat. Be sure to avoid using dryer sheets, as they’re toxic to cats and dogs. 

Plastic, rubber, and nylon toys can be run through your dishwasher if they’re labeled safe for the appliance. Otherwise, you’ll need antibacterial soap, warm water, and a sturdy scrub brush to clean these items. When the toy is clean, rinse it with water and let it dry. Non-machine-washable plushies can also be disinfected this way.

Last but not least are rope toys. In this case, all you need is water and a microwave. Put the rope item in a sink or tub filled with warm water and scrub away any grime. Then let it sit for a few minutes before putting it in your microwave and heating it for one minute. When the time is up, let the rope toy cool, remove it, and wring out the excess water. Let the toy dry and cool completely before allowing your pet to play with it.

May Tag recommends washing pet toys at least twice a month, depending on how often your dog uses them and if they are used outside. While you’re at it, don’t forget to clean your dog’s collar and leash on a regular basis as well.

If you’re looking for pet-safe cleaning supplies, check out our list of the best pet cleanup products. There you’ll find everything from the best brushes for grooming to the nicest pet hair removers.

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