A pair of white shoes can make an outfit look effortlessly polished—unless we’re talking about dirty sneakers. Tossing them into the washer might eliminate some gunk, but not every shoe is machine-friendly. Lifehacker shares a few steps you can take to clean the grime off your shoes by hand.
Tricks for Cleaning Dirty Sneakers
When tackling the soles, nail polish remover can do the trick. Scrubbing the rubber parts of the shoe with the liquid and a paper towel should remove stains, but the fabric might require another cleaning product.
That’s where melamine foam sponges (a.k.a. Magic Erasers) come in. As the name suggests, these cleaning tools are made of the melamine foam often used for soundproofing and insulation. The material is also known for being gentle yet abrasive enough to remove dirt without using harsh chemicals. Simply wet the sponge, wring it well, and gently scrub any marks to get rid of them. Lifehacker suggests dabbing any wet spots with a dry towel, or the excess water may cause a bigger stain on your shoe.
Toothpaste is also an excellent shoe cleaner. Just rub a thin layer of white toothpaste on the spots you want to clean and wait 20 minutes before thoroughly scrubbing it off with a brush and rinsing the shoes under water. They’ll be soaking wet, so you’ll have to leave them outside or set them near a fan to dry.
If you’re looking to put in less elbow grease, your washing machine may be a good option depending on the type of shoe. Sneakers made of canvas, cotton, and polyester are generally machine-washable, but you should always check the tag to confirm. Even if they are safe to wash, it’s generally a good idea to remove any laces and insoles before running them through the wash.
How to Keep Shoes Fresh and Clean
The most effective trick for maintaining white sneakers is preventing them from getting dirty in the first place. Consider getting a fabric protectant spray if you have canvas or suede shoes. Although the product won’t make your shoes completely stain-resistant, it should help. For leather shoes, you may want to get a conditioner for the material.
Now that you know how to clean and protect your white shoes, you should also learn how to deodorize them. Nike has some useful suggestions for doing so: One recommendation is to mix a one-to-one ratio of vinegar and water in a spray bottle and mist the inside of your shoes. An even simpler solution would be to leave your shoes outside in sunlight for a few hours to dry any excess moisture.
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