Will McGough
Joined: Apr 22, 2013

Where Did the Term '86' Come From?

10 Things That Have 'Rained' From the Sky

What Are the Northern Lights?
Should You Really Not Eat Oysters in Months Without an 'R'?
Avoiding oysters throughout the summer is now a thing of the past.
Where Did the Phrase "Ay Yai Yai" Come From?
It happened to me just this morning, when I was fiddling with my closet doors, trying to get them back on their tracks so they would slide correctly. As one door fell off and slammed into the other, my response was automatic. “Aye yai yai, these doors!”
3 Creatures with More than One Heart
The presence of one heart is ingrained into our idea of biology. But did you know there are a handful of animals with multiple hearts?
Where Does the Phrase “To Turn the Tables” Come From?
According the Oxford English Dictionary, if you “turn the tables” on someone, it is generally understood that you have reversed the fortunes in your favor to some capacity, so as to “reverse one’s position relative to someone else, especially by turning a
7 Awesome Things Birds Can Do
If you live in any U.S. city, you probably think those pesky, puke-eating pigeons and their feathered friends are pretty brain dead. Don’t be fooled. Birds are capable of some pretty amazing feats, and we’ve provided a sampling below.
9 Epic Literary Burns
"Every time I read Pride and Prejudice, I want to dig Jane Austen up and hit her over the skull with her own shin-bone.”
7 Birthday Traditions from Around the World
Many cultures have long-standing traditional ways to celebrate birthdays that don’t involve a sugar rush.
How Effective is the Eye Black that Athletes Wear?
Sometimes it’s literally a glob of grease, other times it’s a synthetic sticker. We’ve all seen baseball and football players with the black rectangles under their eyes on sunny days, which is thought to help reduce the sun’s glare and allow athletes to b
Do Records Really Sound Warmer Than CDs?
We’ve all no doubt heard the countless claims about how vinyl simply sounds “better” and “warmer” than today’s digital music. And this belief is taking today’s consumers beyond the boxes in their parent’s attic. According to an article by Forbes published
You Might Be Able to Regenerate Your Finger, Bone and All
Amputees will be glad to learn that we might not have to be jealous of a lizard’s ability to regrow its tail much longer. According to recently publish research from NYU's Langone Medical Center, the stem cells found in fingernails might be the secret to
Scientists Say Sex and Time Travel Might Not Mix
According to new research being conducted at the Center for Functional and Evolutionary Ecology in Montpellier, France, sex and time travel might not work out so well.
5 Scientific Theories About What Aliens Might Look Like
As our understanding of the universe grows, scientists are beginning to theorize what the denizens of other worlds might look like.